Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the internet, there was a captivating and enchanting place called StorySite. This online platform opened its virtual doors to all the dreamers, storytellers, and avid readers, providing them with an immersive world of imagination. Allow yourself to be transported into this digital wonderland, where every line, paragraph, and chapter takes you on an exhilarating journey. Discover the Magic of StorySite Embrace the power of storytelling as you venture into the realms crafted by talented individuals. At StorySite, each tale is lovingly woven with words that come alive and leave an indelible mark on your imagination. Whether you prefer heartwarming tales of love and friendship or pulse-pounding adventures that keep you on the edge of your seat, StorySite has it all. Unleash your creativity and dive into a world where every page is brimming with life. Our extensive collection of stories, meticulously categorized for your convenience, ensures that every reader finds their own literary haven. Choose from a vast array of genres, from fantasy and science fiction to romance and mystery, and embark on a journey tailored to your tastes. Explore an Ocean of Stories With StorySite's user-friendly interface, finding your next read is a breeze. Immerse yourself in a sea of stories, categorized into popular, trending, and all-time favorites. Our curated collections showcase the finest selection of stories, ensuring that you never run out of captivating content. Connect with Fellow Storytellers StorySite is not just a place to consume stories; it's a vibrant community that fosters creativity and connects aspiring authors with their readers. Join discussion forums, share your thoughts on your favorite stories, and interact with the talented writers who make StorySite their home. Immerse yourself in mesmerizing tales that transport you to other worlds. Connect with a community of passionate readers and writers. Find your next literary adventure with ease. Uncover hidden gems in the vast collection of genres. Experience the magic of storytelling at its finest. Embrace the allure of StorySite and let your imagination soar. Indulge your passion for stories that stir emotions, ignite your curiosity, and captivate your mind. Explore the enchanting world of StorySite and uncover the treasures that await you on each virtual page. Ready to embark on your literary journey? Join StorySite today and unlock the door to captivating stories that will leave an everlasting impression. StorySite's Story Indices. Stories are accessed by selecting an author and visiting their page (s) where a synopsis of each story is presented, along with relevant categories, keywords, age group, story rating, size, date, and completion status. A - C. 19 juil. 2021 ยท At StorySite, we love turning your StoryBrand wireframe into an awesome website. Here are a few of our Legacy before and afters โ€“ our Legacy templates will retire on January 1, 2023. But Ave is posting NEW stories on the mirror server. New stories are currently available ONLY on the mirror server. The address for the mirror is. www2.storysite.org, or www.storysitetwo.org. When the work is done, all StorySite servers will have the same material. To access the temporary What's New page. on the mirror server, go to:. Advertise on StorySite Email for details . Story Listing - F. Alphabetical Order by Title with Author Name For multi-part stories, link points to first part. Number of parts is in parentheses. List created Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 12:17:10: F is for Fiona - The First Day of the Rest of my Life: Bethany Jacques : Fact and Fantasy 1: The Shopping Trip: Sissy Demi: Failed Season - Lora's Story.