Sloshball: The Ultimate Party Game for Adults Sloshball, also known as beer kickball, is a wildly entertaining outdoor game that combines the fun of kickball with the added twist of drinking. Whether you're hosting a backyard barbecue, a beach party, or simply looking for a fun-filled activity for your next gathering, sloshball is sure to be a hit! Sloshball is typically played on a grassy field, and the rules are similar to kickball. However, there's a catch - each player must have a cup of their favorite beverage in hand while playing. The goal is to kick the ball, run the bases, and have a great time while trying not to spill your drink! Why play sloshball, you ask? Here are a few reasons why this unique game has gained so much popularity: Socializing: Sloshball brings people together, encouraging laughter, friendly competition, and camaraderie. It's a great icebreaker and allows participants to bond over shared experiences. Fitness: Playing sloshball is a fantastic way to stay active while having fun. Running, kicking, and fielding the ball provide a good workout, making it perfect for those who want to stay fit without the monotony of traditional exercise. Skill Development: Sloshball requires a combination of coordination, strategy, and teamwork. Players can enhance their kicking and throwing abilities, as well as learn how to work together effectively as a team. Unpredictability: With drinks in hand, sloshball introduces an element of unpredictability that adds excitement and laughter to the game. It's amusing to watch players navigate the bases while balancing their cups, often resulting in hilarious spills and unexpected outcomes. So, how do you set up a sloshball game? Here's a simple guide: Equipment: You'll need a kickball, cups for each player, bases, and, of course, beverages of choice. Field: Find a suitable grassy area or a local park with enough space for running and kicking. Teams: Divide players into two teams, ensuring a balanced distribution of skills. Rules: Establish the basic rules, such as the number of innings, strike zone, and any additional guidelines you'd like to implement. Remember to emphasize responsible drinking and encourage participants to drink at their own pace. Have Fun: Finally, let the game begin! Kick, run, cheer, and enjoy the excitement of sloshball. Sloshball is a fantastic way to create lasting memories with friends and loved ones. Just remember to play responsibly, drink in moderation, and prioritize the enjoyment of the game over excessive indulgence. Next time you're planning a gathering or looking for a unique outdoor activity, consider trying sloshball. It's an extraordinary game that guarantees laughter, fun, and a memorable experience for everyone involved. Divide the total people into two teams. Begin "sloshball game" with one team up to kick and the other team in the field. Each member of the fielding team must have a beer in hand at all times. GoneOutdoors. 28K views 7 years ago. Sloshball is a game that combines baseball, kickball, and beer. With a keg used as 2nd base, players are required to keep a cup of beer in one hand while playing on offense. In short, sloshball is the nothing but getting drunken and playing ball in kickball or softball style. The basic rules are more or less similar to that of baseball. All you need to play this game is a softball, gloves, keg, beer cups, and a large group of people ready to get sloshed if you are playing softball. Sloshball est la forme la plus populaire de kickball combiné avec de l'alcool. Instructions • Trouver un espace ouvert grand et plat assez pour un jeu de kickball. Si cette zone est dans un parc public, assurez-vous qu'il est pas visable facilement à partir de la route ou que vous avez un permis pour votre baril. 2. Sloshball is kickball with beer. A keg is used in place of second base. When runners reach second base, they must finish a cup of beer before moving on to third. However, there is no force out at third base, so an unlimited number of people can be on second base drinking beer. Everyone on the field must be holding a beer at all times.